The safety of day care pediatric ureteroscopy for large ureteric stones in low volume centers
Publication Type
Conference abstract/paper published in a peer review journal


Pediatric ureteric calculi are uncommon but the incidence is constantly rising. Pediatric urologists are not available in all centers which mandates adult urologist to deal with such cases despite the small volume. Therefore, we have reviewed our data to evaluate the outcome of day care pediatric ureteroscopy as tertiary but low volume center of such cases.


A retrospective study to review all pediatric patients who had endoscopic management of symptomatic ureteric calculi between 2013 and 2020 at our tertiary center.  Patient demographics, stone characteristics, operative details, hospital stay and complications were recorded and analyzed.


 Twenty-one patients were included, 13 males and 8 females. The mean age was 8.4 +/- 2.9 years. The mean ureteral stone size was 9.9+/- 3.7 mm. 28.6% (n=6) of patients was known to have other comorbidities, 33.3 %( n= 7) of patients required pre-operative JJ stent insertion. One session of lithotripsy was sufficient for complete stone clearance in the majority of patients 76.2 %( n=16), while the remaining patients required 2 sessions. None of the patients developed post-operative UTI or gross hematuria with clots. All patients except one were discharged home on the same day.




Day care pediatric ureteroscopy is a feasible option to be considered by adult urologists to treat pediatric ureteric stone disease in the appropriate settings.

the 9th Emirates International Urological & 17th Annual Arab Association of Urology Hybrid Conference
the 9th Emirates International Urological & 17th Annual Arab Association of Urology Hybrid Conference
Publisher Country
United Arab Emirates
Publication Type
Prtinted only