Evaluation of Heavy Metal and Microbial Contamination in Green Tea and Herbal Tea Used for Weight Loss in the Palestinian Market
Publication Type
Conference Paper

)e use of green tea and herbal tea for weight loss is increasing worldwide owing to the rising rates of obesity. )ere are concerns
about the safety and quality of these herbal products owing to their increased consumption worldwide. In this study, we evaluated
randomly collected samples of green tea and herbal tea and tested them for heavy metal and microbial contamination. Eighteen
samples of green tea or herbal tea of widely used brands in Palestine were tested for heavy metal and microbial contamination. )e
results showed that 7 of the samples had toxic heavy metals such as chromium (Cr) and lead (Pb), and their concentrations were
above the allowable limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Moreover, 6 of the samples that were tested had
microbial contamination with high total aerobic microbial count (TAMC) and total yeast and mold count (TYMC). )is could be
due to improper handling and storage conditions of these herbal products. )is study is the first of its kind in Palestine, and its
results are forewarning to all the responsible authorities, including the Ministry of Health (MoH), to take immediate corrective
actions such as quality control testing, auditing, and registration of marketed tea products.
1. Introduction
)e use of green tea and herbal tea for weight loss has been
increasing worldwide, concomitantly with the rates of
obesity [1, 2]. )ese products are easily accessible, trusted,
easy to use, inexpensive, and thought to be safer compared to
conventional medications. )ese factors led to an increased
use of these types of teas [3, 4]. Globally, tea is the second
most consumed drink after water [5]. )ree billion kilograms
of tea are produced each year worldwide [6]. Nearly
20%–22% of the total tea consumption is of green tea,
primarily in China, Japan, Korea, Morocco, and few other
countries in North Africa and the Middle East [5, 7, 8].
Green tea is “nonfermented” and obtained from Camellia
sinensis, whereas other herbal teas used for weight loss
are from

Conference Title
3rd International Environmental Chemistry Congress (EnviroChem), 01-04 November 2021, Mirage Park Resort Hotel - Antalya TURKEY
Conference Country
Conference Date
Nov. 1, 2021 - Nov. 5, 2021
Conference Sponsor
Ness, Sem
Additional Info
Conference Website