محمد بن جعفر غندر ومروياته في الكتب الستة
Publication Type
Original research

This research includes a biography of the scholar ‘Ghoundar’ in order to authenticate what have been said about his inattention. Moreover, a study of his narrations in The Six Books was discussed. The conclusion was the fact that Ghoundar is trustworthy in the narrations via ‘Shouba’ in harmony. However, in the ones apart from Shouba, he Fawqa Saddouk (was just less than trust worthy) and it was clear that the inattention attribute of him is incorrect and does not affect his narrations. It was also concluded that Ghoundar was the best and most reliable student to narrate via Shouba while the ones not via Shouba has shown some disagreement among Ashab Al-Settah (the Six Scholars) in their books. For instance, Imam Al Bukhari never mentioned any narration to Ghoundar not via Shouba except in the Mutab’aat while it can be seen as part of Osool in Imam Muslim except the narration via Saeed Bin Abe Aroupa which was in the Mutab’aat. However, when it comes to the Fourth Sunan, there were various methods that varies from some who narrated from Ghoundar not via Shouba Maqroun (more than one) and Mofrada (individual) and those who only considered what as Maqroun or Moutad (more than one, but unrelated.

المجلة الأردنية في الدراسات الإسلامية
جامعة آال البيت- الاردن
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Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)