Fuzzy logic in suggesting the appropriate university major for students according to their preferences
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Currently, professional specialization is requested by employers to run high-level business quality. Moreover, it is important for employees for career stability and self-improvement. As a result, universities provide a lot of specialized programs that make it hard for new students to select the most appropriate study program that fits well their qualifications. This work is related to suggesting the most suitable university program for students taking into account a set of criteria such as academic achievement, interests, standard of living, and income. Fuzzy logic is used to build a recommendation system to match university academic programs and the set of students' criteria in order to generate the most suitable programs for students. The experimental tests conducted at the end of the work reflect promising results.

Conference Title
2022 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and Intelligent Multimedia (CENIM)
Conference Country
Conference Date
Nov. 22, 2022 - Nov. 22, 2022
Conference Sponsor
Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare and Society,
Additional Info
Conference Website