The epidemiology of gestational diabetes, gestation hypertension, and anemia, of Palestinian women in North Palestine from 2018 to 2020.
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Introduction: Complications related to pregnancy and childbirth are major causes of maternal death and morbidity. Monitoring complications related to pregnancy in the West Bank on a regular, reliable, and routine basis can help identify problems and develop evidence-based interventions to stop, contain, and address existing and potential future problems. This study aimed to investigate risk factors associated with abnormal hemoglobin levels, gestational diabetes, and gestational hypertension among pregnant women in the North of the West Bank and compare the results between women living in urban areas, rural areas, and refugee camps.

Methods: Medical records (N=6640) were reviewed for pregnant women at primary healthcare centers in the North of the West Bank from 2018 to 2020. This study compared gestational Hb abnormal levels, fasting blood sugar, and blood pressure in the first and second-trimesters for pregnant women living in three locations; cities, villages, and refugee camps.

Results: The prevalence of adolescent pregnancy was the highest among rural women (9.8%), grand multigravidity among refugee women (22%), and multigravidity among urban women (67.6%). The overall prevalence of anemia among pregnant women is higher in the second-trimester (16.2%) than in the first-trimester (11.2%), with anemic women in the first-trimester being more likely to be anemic in the second-trimester(P-value<0.001). Although anemia was less common in the first-trimester among refugees than among urban women (OR=0.768, P-value=0.006), it was more prevalent in the second-trimester (OR=1.352, P-value<0.001). In the second-trimester, refugee women were at lower risk than urban women of GD (OR=0.687, P-value<0.001) and DM (OR=0.472, P-value<0.001). Multigravida was associated with an increased risk of GD (OR=1.215, P-value=0.036) and DM (OR=1.498, P-value=0.040). Adolescent pregnancy age (OR=0.573, P-value=0.049) and childbearing age pregnancy (OR=0.623, P-value=0.005) were associated with decreased risk of DM. GH was associated with GD (OR=1.401, P-value=0.003) and DM (OR=1.966, P-value<0.001).

Conclusion:  The prevalence of GDM and GH among Palestinians was higher than in Arab countries and Europe. Multi gravida, gestational age, high Hb levels, and locations were strong predictors of pregnancy complications. Therefore, special care regarding GDM, DM, and GH among women living in rural is critical. This could be utilized to early detect and follow up, thus decreasing the complication rates for both the mother and fetus.

Keywords: Gestation hypertension, Gestational diabetes, gestational anemia, Palestine refugee camps



Conference Title
The Palestinian Ministry of Health First Conference
Conference Country
Conference Date
Dec. 5, 2022 - Dec. 5, 2022
Conference Sponsor
Palestinian Ministry of Health