ملامح ومرتكزات التجديد والترشيد في فقه الأقليات المسلمة عند العلّامة يوسف القرضاوي
Publication Type
Conference Paper

This study reviews the ijtihad of Shaykh Yusuf Al-Qardawi on Islamic minorities and the considerations it is based on. The aim is to show aspects of renewal and rationalization within his ijtihad.

The significance of this study lies in its topic which deals with renewal and rationalization in one of the major areas of contemporary ijtihad to which Al-Qardawi has greatly contributed along with many other scholars who care about Islamic. Furthermore, the conventional ijtihad is unable to answer all the issues related to current events and issues facing Islamic minorities, thus a contemporary jurisprudence is needed based on the fiqh rule that states that divergence of supervisory Islamic opinions is acceptable due to change in time, place and customs.

The study adopts a descriptive analytical approach in following the written works of Al-Qardawi to figure out the basis and considerations he relied on in forming his ijtihad and to reveal the features of renewal and rationalization in them. The study presents some studies which deal with Islamic minorities in general as a starting point then introduces the works of Al-Qardawi in specific.

Keywords: contemporary ijtihad; renewal and rationalization; Muslim minorities; Al-Qardawi

Conference Title
قراءات في التجديد والترشيد في فكر العلّامة القرضاوي
Conference Country
Conference Date
Oct. 15, 2023 - Oct. 18, 2023
Conference Sponsor
جامعة قطر