The most common sports injuries among male and female handball players in the Palestinian universities’ teams in the northern governorates / Palestine
Publication Type
Original research


The most common sports injuries among male and female handball players in the Palestinian universities’ teams in the northern governorates / Palestine




     The study aimed to identify the most common sports injuries among handball players in the Palestinian university teams in the northern governorates, and the causes of these injuries. The study was conducted on a sample size of (102) players from the handball teams in Palestinian universities in the northern governorates, which were selected in a stratified random manner. The researcher used the descriptive-analytical method in conducting this study due to its relevance to its nature and objectives.

    The main results of the study showed that muscle injuries are the most common injuries among handball players in Palestinian university teams, with a percentage of (33.02%), followed by joint injuries with a percentage of (18.29%), and then injuries to bones, tendons, and ligaments, respectively, with a percentage ranging between ( 16.05-16.46%). The results also showed that injuries to the foot (16.62%), hand (15.07%), and wrist (14.13%) were the most common injury sites, the least of which was the pelvis (6.59%) and the head (7.33%). The results also showed that muscle injuries and bruises are the most common types of injury among male and female handball players in the Palestinian universities teams, the least of which is dislocation (8.03%) and fractures (8.61%). Also, It revealed that the most common injuries in terms of severity are mild (58.07%), moderate (28.12%), and severe (13.81%).  

And through these results, the researcher recommended the necessity of paying attention to the good warm-up of the players during the training and competition periods.  

Keywords: Handball, Sports injuries.

Journal of Scientific Research and Articles An International Refereed and Indexed Research Journal
Journal of Medical Science
Publisher Country
United Kingdom
Publication Type
Both (Printed and Online)