The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) intenion to appoint Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) as a Successor to the Muslims but did not carry out this Intention: Indications and objectives (Joint Research)
Researchers: Mu'tasim Yusuf Omar Kamil Dr. Ayman Mustafa Hussein Al-Dabbagh 2024 Abstract: The study addressed the topic of the legislative implications and objectives of the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) intention to appoint Abu Bakr and his subsequent decision not to do so. Its main problem revolved around questions, the most important of which are: Do the Prophet's (peace be upon him) intentions regarding a matter, followed by his decision not to implement it, have legislative objectives and implications? What are the legislative objectives and implications related to his intention to appoint Abu Bakr? The importance of the study lies in its exploration of an aspect of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) actions that has not received sufficient attention in research and study, specifically the implications and objectives of what he intended to do or refrain from doing, and then chose to abandon. Some previous studies have addressed this, but primarily focused on compiling the related hadiths and examining them in terms of their chain of transmission and authenticity. The study's significance also lies in its focus on analyzing the implications and objectives in an important topic related to the jurisprudence of political legitimacy, which is the subject of selecting and appointing the Imam of the Muslims. The methodology of the study is descriptive and analytical, gathering the most important prophetic hadiths regarding the intention to appoint Abu Bakr, along with the opinions of jurists and writers on the legislative implications and objectives of that intention, accompanied by analysis, commentary, and preference. The study is divided into six sections, addressing the meaning of the intention and distinguishing it from others, its legislative and objective implications, the most important hadiths regarding the appointment of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), and the objectives and implications related to that. The study concluded with several important findings, including: the significance of analyzing the legislative and objective implications of intention and abandonment. The main legislative objectives of the Prophet's (peace be upon him) intention to appoint Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) and his decision to refrain from doing so include the objective of ensuring the continuity of leadership and preserving the existence of Muslims, as well as the objective of reinforcing the principle of consultation among Muslims in public matters. The study recommends paying attention to researching the jurisprudence of consequences in the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) . Keywords: Intention, Prophet, Implications, Objectives, Succession, Abu Bakr