التراث التفسيري للقرآن بين الأصالة والمعاصرة
Publication Type
Conference Paper
The approaches of the interpreters varied and their methodologies diversified in the manner of their dealing with interpreting the Book of Almighty God. So, they left an important interpretation heritage. However, not all what is in this heritage can be taken as it is, because the words of the interpreters are not revealed text. We are Allah’s worshippers in the expressions of this book and we are not worshippers of the expressions of the interpreters. This research deals with the mechanism of dealing with this heritage in the scope of the call for modernity and novelty. For we have to look at the Holy Quran with the view of the age and the reality in which we live. Each age has its special circumstances which distinguish it from other age. The Qurán is Allah’s Book for all people since it had been revealed to Prophet Mohammad, may Allah’s prayer and peace be upon him, till the Judgment Day. We emphasize that modernity (novelty) which is sought in the interpretation is not based on going beyond the Quranic text or rejecting the efforts of the previous interpretations. Rather, it is committed to the original text and reconsideration of the human effort related to interpreting this text in a way which is appropriate to the circumstances of the age.
Conference Title
مؤتمر التعامل مع النصوص الشرعية (القرآن والسنة) عند المعاصرين
Conference Country
Conference Date
Nov. 4, 2008 - Nov. 6, 2008
Conference Sponsor
الجامعة الأردنية