IP-MED –Tempus Project “ Promoting Intellectual Property Law Studies in the Mediterranean Region”
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Intellectual Property (IP) management plays an undeniable role in knowledge-based economies, sustainable development and growth. As highlighted, i.a., by the objectives of the Europe 2020 Flagship initiatives, Innovation Union and Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, innovative ideas and solutions, and skilled professionals are crucial to address the challenges that fast-growing population, climate change and scarcity of natural resources, i.a., pose to current societies. This requires working on educational systems and programmes able to provide graduate and post-graduate students with those competences and skills that really fit the socioeconomic and labour market needs.In the ENPI South region, the IP field, in terms of educational programmes and practice, is significantly fragmented, mostly driven by the private sector and with a lack of solid official public structures to provide education and training.

Conference Title
“Best practices in Intellectual Property Law Studies in the Mediterranean Region”
Conference Country
Conference Date
March 23, 2017 - March 23, 2017
Conference Sponsor
Tempus - EU
Additional Info
Conference Website