Between the Occident and the Orient: Re-Defining Fundamentalism, National Allegory and The Colored Man in Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist
Publication Type
Conference abstract/paper published in a peer review journal

This paper offers a postcolonial reading of Mohsin Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2007). By examining this text, this paper , in particular, teases out the critical notions of national allegory (Jameson), Islamophobia (Allen), hybridity (Bhaba), and the colored and the oriental figure (Fanon and Said) which serve as an underlying conceptual model of postcolonial studies, studies that offer ‘counter-discursive strategies to the dominant discourse’ (Tiffin). This paper argues that Hamid’s representation of the progress of his protagonist Changez indicates an attempt to re-write the postcolonial narrative anew. We are introduced to a protagonist whose complex love and sexual relationship suggests the unsettled, intermittent and suspicious relation between the Orient and the Occident, re-emergence of historical anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic phenomena that lurk deep in the Western historical consciousness, subversion of the colonial hegemonic discourse by creating a hybrid character, and foregrounding the necessity of one’s transcendence of neo-colonial and imperial limitations.  

أحمد قبها
Zarqa Conference Proceedings
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Prtinted only