Sectarianism and Constitutional Identity
Publication Type
Original research

Constitution-making can face major issues in a country prone to sectarian uprisings or in countries in which one sect overly dominates others. This paper argues that while a constitution is needed to define the powers, rights, and duties of the institutions, and protect the people it represents, it also serves a crucial role in creating a shared sense of belonging and begins the necessary steps towards crafting a country’s identity. Using a moment of crisis as an opportunity to draft a new constitution is therefore an opportunity to confront sectarianism and create a constitution that is not just paper but is made substantive by a clear and legitimate identity. This paper explores how MENA regions can constructively tackle the transitional agenda that occurs during times of upheaval by analyzing the role of constitutions in countries that were built upon a sectarian structure and identity. This paper suggests that the process and steps which lead to a properly drafted constitutional document can play a key role in preventing sectarianism and can instead begin creating a shared identity that is able to promote and protect both majority and minority rights.

The Review of Faith & International Affairs
Taylor and Francis Online
Publisher Country
United Kingdom
Publication Type
Online only