Research Summary: This research discusses the jealousy moral, where this moral is concerned with the beliefs and the honorable. People vary in the degree of jealousy they have; an extremist in his jealousy over religion may almost deprives everything without evidence and proof, and a lenient don’t jealous even if cursing God. And they are also two teams in their jealousy on the honorable, some of which intolerance for his honorable because of ardor, and some of them do not move a finger; his feelings of jealousy have subsided. The texts of the Noble Sunnah attributed the jealousy to Allah, His Messenger, and the believers. The jealousy was divided into good and bad. This research came to clear the concept of jealousy when it is attributed to Allah and His Messenger, introduce its two faces, and its characterization.
Keywords: Jealousy, Good Jealousy, Bad Jealousy, Sunnah.