Mohsen Sameeh Sa’eed Al-Khaldi
Jenin – West Bank
E-mail: [email protected]
Status: Married, father of four
Education & Scientific qualifications:
1- The rank of Professor, (2021).
2- The rank of Associate Professor from An-Najah National University, (2008).
3- PhD from the University of the Holy Qur’an and Islamic Sciences-Sudan in the
specialization (interpretation and Qur’anic sciences), (1995).
4- Master's degree from the University of Jordan (interpretation and Qur’anic sciences),
5- Bachelor's degree in Faculty of Da’wa and Fundamentals of Religion, Al-Quds University,
1- Acquired two licenses in recitation and intonation.
2- Obtained the legitimate lawyer's license from the Magistrate's Office - Jordan 1989.
Practical experiences:
1- Head of the department of Religious Origins Department, (2016-2017).
2- Head of the department of Religious Origins Department, (1998 to 2001).
3- An assistant professor at An-Najah National University, since (1996).
4- Part-time teacher at Al-Quds Open University, (1996-2006).
5- Teacher at Zarqa State College, (1989-1990).
6- Imam and Preacher in mosques in Jenin governorate, (1987-1989).
Scientific Research:
1- Co-author of the interpretation course at the Al-Quds Open University in 2004 by
preparing the first module entitled "Interpretation and its curricula". (Arbitrator's book).
2- Co-author of the Islamic Culture Course at An-Najah National University.
3- Judge some courses at Al-Quds Open University.
4- Ruled a number of scientific research at An-Najah National University, the Islamic
University of Gaza, the Arab American University, the Journal of Sharjah University for
Shari'a Sciences and Islamic Studies, and others.
5- Ruled on a number of research for the encyclopedia of objective interpretation in Saudi
6- Ruled some research for An-Najah Humanities Sciences Award.
7- Preliminary arbitration of the validity of two fellows' research for promotion to the rank
of professor and associate professor.
8- Arbitrated some scientific programs for intermediate university colleges.
9- Decree judgement: Facilitation in Provisions of recitation, Hafs' bin Asim -Shatibiyah way,
University College of Applied Sciences, Gaza.
Refereed Scientific Researches:
1- Israelites told by Ibn Abbas in the Tabari interpretation of the story of the woman of Al-
Aziz with prophet Yusuf, a critical study, /Jointly, International Journal of Jurisprudence,
2- Modernist reading; its concept, origin and features, in conjunction with the Arab Journal
of Scientific Publishing/Jordan, 2/2/2023.
3- Assassination – Qur’anic Study - In conjunction with the Journal of Sharjah University for
Shari 'a Sciences and Islamic Studies/United Arab Emirates/2022.
4- Verses of the overnight prayer, pedagogical study/In Partnership, Arab Democratic Center
for Strategic, Political and Economic Studies/ Berlin/2022
5- The manifestations of love's emotion and influence on behavior in Surat Yusuf "Analytical
Study "/Blog/India 2022
6- The Qur’anic Story Approach to Lust refinement between Men and Women/In
Partnership, Al-Qantar Magazine of the Al-Asuli Al-Faqih Center/Malaysia 2021
7- Critical study of the subject of Chapter I of the New Islamic Education Curriculum (from
Grade 1 to Grade 12)/Jointly, Journal of Islamic Civilization/Algeria/2021
8- The consolation of prophets and parents, Qur’anic study, An-Najah National University
9- Hearing the dead "Qur’anic study", jointly, An-Najah National University (2021).
10- The indication of the repetition of "verses 13" in Surat al-Rahman, in conjunction with the
Journal of Shari'a and Islamic Studies, Algeria 2019
11- The case of the presence of "Waw al-Thamaniyah" in the Holy Qur’an, in conjunction with
the Journal of Shari'a and Islamic Studies, Algeria, 2019
12- Reform jihad and its impact on the security of society in the light of the Qur’an and the
Sunnah. Book and Year milestones magazine/Malaysia.
13- Jealousy among couples in light of Qur’anic interpretation/Qaseem University Journal
(Shari'a Sciences)/Saudi Arabia/2019
14- People of Hell’s wishes, Qur’anic Study/Journal of Islamic Studies/Algeria/2020
15- Jealousy between praise and dishonesty /Journal of Islamic University of Shari'a
Sciences/Medina/ (2019).
16- Expressions in the Holy Qur’an/Thematic Study/In conjunction: The Journal of the
University of Qassim (2019).
17- The consolation of prophets and parents, Qur’anic Study/Co/An-Najah National
University (2018).
18- Literature Prophet Muhammad's presentation, Qur’anic Thematic Study/In
Partnership/Sharjah University Journal.
19- The role-model (Al-qudwa) in the Holy Qur’an (objective study) (Encyclopedia of Objective
Interpretation-Saudi Arabia) (2015).
20- False/Objective Study/Joint (Encyclopedia of Substantive Interpretation -Saudi Arabia)
21- Vanity/Qur’anic Study (Encyclopedia of Objective Interpretation-Saudi Arabia) (2015).
22- The guardian and his requirement to conclude a woman's marriage between jurists (four
imams) and personal status laws, in conjunction with the Journal of the Faculty of Islamic
and Arab Studies in Dubai (2014).
23- The concept of despair and the implication of its addition to prophets, (Qur’anic study).
The Jordanian Journal of Islamic Studies. (2014)
24- Expressing what prevents the impact of the Holy Qur’an on souls and their treatment,
Journal of An-Najah National University Research (Humanities) vol. 25, No. (5), 2011.
25- Musailema the Liar's Allegations in Opposition to the Verses of the Qur’an, (Critical
Analytical Study) Refined in the Journal of An-Najah National University Research
(Humanities) vol. 25, vol. 6, 2010.
26- Connection of Non-Muslim Relatives, Journal of Qur’anic Research and Studies, No. 9
Saudi Arabia
27- Defendants (Critical Analytical Study) - Referee in the Journal of An-Najah National
University Research (Humanities) vol. 24, edition 5, 2010.
28- "The Self passion, an Objective Qur’anic Study", refereed in the Journal of the National
University of Research (Humanities), vol. 24, edition 4, 2010.
29- Passion: An objective study of the Qur'anic term, refined in the Journal of Studies at the
University of Jordan. Vol. 38 Issue (2), 2011.
30- Opposition to the Holy Qur’an Allegations and Suspicions - Journal of Studies at the
University of Jordan 2009. Vol. 26.
31- The Impact of the Holy Qur’an on the Hearers, Magazine in Asia 2007.
32- Mercy among Derivatives and Interpretation, Journal of A-Najah National University of
Research(Humanities), vol. 18 issue 1 2004.
33- Al-Sarfih, Islamic University Magazine, Series of Shari 'a Studies (vol. XII), No. 2, Gaza 2004.
34- Muslim relatives’ connection, in the Journal of An-Najah National University of Research
(Humanities) in 2003. Volume 17 Issue 2.
35- Challenge by the Qur’an, in the Journal of Al-Aqsa University in 2001.
College and University committees:
Participated in several University and College committees including: The Postgraduate
Committee in the Department of Religious Origins, the Committee of recitation of the Holy
Qur’an, the Specialization Committee in the Faculty, the University's Social Survey Committees,
the Committee for the Preparation of the Postgraduate Plan of the Department of Religious
Origins, and the PhD Committee of Religious Origins Faculty, and others.
Served as Chairman of the Cultural Committee of the Faculty of Shari 'a (2011), a member of the
(Al-Sadiq Al-Nasooh) Program at An-Najah National University, and a member of the Editorial
Board of An-Najah National University’s Journal for Human Sciences (2010-2013), a member of
the Committee of An-Najah Award for Human Sciences (2012) and (2014), a member of Editorial
Board of An-Najah National University’s Journal for Research (Humanities) (2016-2017), (2022),
and (2023).
Chairman of the jury in the First, Second and Third An-Najah Contest in Memorizing and
Recitation the Holy Qur’an, and Chairman of the Second and Third Competition Committee of
(An-Najah Bulbul in intonation the Holy Qur’an).
1- The Scientific Conference of the Holy Qur’an Forum, The Reality of Memorizing the Holy
Qur’an in Palestine (Hopes and Aspirations).
2- Seventh International Conference (Religious Education and Ways of Developing It) (2017).
3- Sixth International Conference "Drug Abuse: Causes, Effects and Treatment from an
Islamic, Social and Legal Perspective" (2016).
4- Fourth International Conference of the Shari'a Faculty, Care for the Elderly from an Islamic
and Legal Perspective, held at An-Najah National University (2013).
5- International conference on education towards global peace (CAPEU 2016).
6- Conference of the Personal Status Law Bill in Palestine, Hebron University (2012).
7- Third International Conference of Shari’a Faculty, Care of the Elderly from an Islamic and
Legal Perspective.
8- Second International Conference of Shari'a Faculty, Social Peace from an Islamic
Perspective, An-Najah National University (2012).
9- Conference: "Towards a Qur’anic Generation", Jordan - Society for the Preservation of the
Holy Qur’an (2006).
10- Third Scientific Conference (Miraculous in the Holy Qur’an), Gaza/Al-Aqsa University
Membership of conferences:
1- Member of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Conference:
"Contemporary medical issues in Islamic jurisprudence", (2019).
2- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Conference of the Holy Qur’an
Forum, the reality of the memorization of the Holy Qur’an in Palestine (Hopes and
Aspirations). g
3- Member of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Eighth
International Conference (Islamic Banking in Palestine between Reality and Hope) (2018).
4- Member of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Seventh
International Conference (Islamic education and ways of developing it) (2017).
5- Member of the Scientific and Preparatory Committee for the Sixth International
Conference entitled "Drug abuse: causes, effects and treatment from an Islamic, social
and legal perspective" (2016)
6- Member of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Conference
(Killing cases in Societies, Causes and Treatment/from an Islamic, Social and Legal
Perspective) (2015).
7- Member of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Conference
(Modern means of communication and their impact on society) (2014)
8- Member of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Conference
"Care for the Elderly at An-Najah National University" (2013).
9- Member of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Conference
"Social Peace from an Islamic Perspective" (2012).
10- Member of the Preparatory Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Conference
“Al-Zakat of Employees' and Free-Trades income, held at An-Najah National University.
Supervision of PhD and Master’s theses:
He oversaw dozens of master's and PhD theses at An-Najah National University, discussed several
of them at An-Najah National University, the Islamic University of Gaza, Al-Quds (Abu Dis)
University, and Hebron University.
He also oversaw dozens of graduation projects at the Al-Quds Open University.
He taught several courses specializing in interpretation and Qur’anic sciences to postgraduate
students, including: The Holy Qur'an miracle, studies in Qur'an sciences, objective interpretation,
Mushkil Al-Qur'an, graduation and scientific research, and others.
He also taught bachelor's students most courses in the Department of Religious Origins, such as:
The Holy Qur'an miracle, interpretation of Qur’an 1, 2, and 3, recitation and intonation, prophetic
biography, advocacy methods, and Hadith authentication. In addition to these courses, he
teaches some courses about the use of computers in Islamic sciences at An-Najah National
University. He taught at Al-Quds Open University courses of Al-Hadith sciences, jurisprudence
and its origins, doctrine and others. He also oversaw a large number of graduation projects there.
Social Work:
He was an Imam and did voluntary teaching in different mosques in Jenin city, presented a regular
program in Al-Qur’an Al-Kareem Radio entitled: (With the righteous), prepared plans to teach the
Holy Qur’an and recite to several Holy Qur’an Memorization Centers, served as a member of the
inspection committees for the memorizers of the Holy Qur’an in the local Al-Aqsa competition
for three years, participating in Shar’es and clan arbitration committees in many cases, and
participating in a large number of public seminars and lectures.