This research studies the subject of Bedouin Arabs in the holy Quran. The research identifies the term literally and
figuratively. It also covers the three categories in which they were mentioned in the Quran; believers, hypocrites and
nonbelievers .as well as their characteristics as mentioned in the holy Quran, which was not limited to vituperation, but a big
part of it complimented the believers and righteous ones of them.
The study also focuses on the Quran's methodology with Bedouin Arabs and dealing with their mistakes, as to move them
from the Bedouin, isolated life in the desert into a society of believers, also to benefit from them in the Islamic civilization.
The study aimed at using the Quran's methodology in dealing with Bedouin Arabs as an example in our current days. As it
can be used to benefit in fields of education, advocacy and reform, especially with the existence of many of the Bedouin
Arabs' bad characteristics in nowadays' urban societies.