Relations between the Andalusian Kingdom of Zaragoza and the Spanish Kingdoms during the reign of Al-Muqtadir Billah Ahmed bin Hud (438-474 AH/1046-1081 AD)
Publication Type
Original research

This study aimed to highlight the features of the relations between the Andalusian Kingdom of Zaragoza and the Spanish kingdoms during the reign of Al-Muqtadir Billah Ahmad bin Hud (438-474 AH / 1046-1081 AD), during the era of the Taifa Kingdoms, of which Zaragoza was one of the most important and famous, due to its vast area and the overlap of its borders with the Spanish kingdoms. Its characteristics and policies during the reign of Al-Muqtadir were considered a miniature version of what was the case during that era.

The study used the historical, descriptive, and analytical inductive approach, based on various Arab and foreign sources and references.

It reached a number of results, the most prominent of which were: Despite the hostile policy that prevailed between the Muslims of Andalusia and the Spanish kingdoms in general, the various parties, including the Kingdom of Zaragoza, did not hesitate to establish joint alliance relations, to serve their interests. In order to preserve the integrity of the lands of the Kingdom of Zaragoza, Al-Muqtadir was keen to establish its existing borders, and for this purpose, he committed to paying huge sums of money to the Spanish kingdoms, especially Castile, which led to the squandering of many of the resources of the Kingdom of Zaragoza. The Spanish kingdoms, especially Aragon, exploited the mutual truces to fortify their positions and attempt to expand at the expense of the Andalusian lands. On the other hand, Al-Muqtadir neglected the jihadist campaigns to recover the positions controlled by the Spanish, but he was active in carrying out mutual military relief operations. Finally; The conciliatory policy that Al-Muqtadir followed towards the Spanish kingdoms contributed to sparing them many of the dangers that threatened them.

المجلة الدولية لبحوث ودراسات العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
أكاديمية رواد التميز للتعليم
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Both (Printed and Online)