The literary movement flourished in the court of Bani Abbas’ successors. They were Arabs who relished their literature instinctively and knew well of its importance in the public image of their rule and their right to succession. As a result, closer ties were forged with writers, and they were showered with gifts, just as their predecessors were. Musa al-Hadi, who ruled between the years (169-170 A.H-785-786 A.D), was one of these writers, and his father Hadi was keen to raise him fluent in Arabic rhetoric and obliged him to attend his literature sessions. Musa was influenced by the impact his father had on him in gathering poets around him, bestowing upon them money and reverence – moreover he was a writer himself who wrote poetry and prose. This research seeks to survey the literary movement in the court of this caliph, and to identify his literary personality, his attitude towards poets, and to give a picture of his literary councils, the most famous writers who frequented his palace, and were subject to his command, and the subjects of literature in which he was referenced or in his presence. The research follows the descriptive method of analytical description, as it examines the information from its various sources, analyzes it, and describes it, to harmonize with its titles, and is based the research on the historical method supporting its themes.
Key words: Literary, Movement, Court, Abbasid, Musa al-Hadi.