Dr Adnan L. Sarhan; graduated from Ibn sina college as staff nurse 1993, completed BA at Al-Quds University 1998, Master degree in Mental Health at Al-Quds University 2001, PhD In Psychiatry and Mental health University of Athens 2008. Assistant prof since 2008 at An-Najah National University.
Teaching courses:
• Master program of community mental health nursing: Research methodology, contemporary understanding of mental health, Assessment theory and practical courses, case management theory and practical, Alternative and complementary therapy.
• First coordinator and action plan putter for the community mental health master program.
• Undergraduate subjects in Nursing and MidwifeUnit: Introduction to nursing, Ethics for nursing and midwifes, Psychiatry for nursing, Psychiatry for midwife students, Research methods for nursing.
• University Elective:
Medical sociology Research interests:
• Medical and Nursing researches.
• Psychiatric researches
• Mental Health researches
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